Monday, November 17, 2014

Comfort Foods


"Dinner is bean and mushroom quinoa stuffed peppers!" 
Caroline made this for our mom on her last trip over to visit.

"Sad to say nothing tastes good anymore -- not even the cinnamon rolls I popped out of the can this morning! But I keep trying, tho my chocolate consumption is way down. I gravitate to comfort foods like soups." Via text from my mom.

Anyone have any great meal ideas for my taste-budless mom?! 
I found this helpful list online (that obviously my lil sis already researched :).

10 foods that fight breast cancer

Mounting research shows that healthy eating habits can put a significant dent in the new cases of breast cancer. Here are ten of the most powerful breast cancer–fighting foods
Research suggests that pterostilbene, a phytonutrient in blueberries, can halt the growth of breast cancer tumours by causing cancerous cells to self-destruct, a process called apoptosis. And frozen wild blueberries are just as antioxidant- and nutrient-packed as fresh.

7. Spinach
The B vitamin is necessary for proper cell division, and stymies changes to DNA that may lead to breast cancer.
8. Eggs
Choline, an essential nutrient abundant in eggs, is associated with a 24 percent reduced risk of breast cancer, according to a U.S. study involving more than 3,000 women. This essential nutrient, found in the yolk, is necessary to ensure proper cell functioning. The U.S. Institute of Medicine says women should aim for 425 milligrams per day; there are 126 milligrams in a large egg. Other sources of choline include fish, poultry, pork, beef, broccoli and wheat germ.

9. Salmon
Salmon is one of the few foods to contain vitamin D in significant amounts. Researchers at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital determined that increased intakes of the “sunshine vitamin” were associated with a 24 percent reduction in the risk of developing breast cancer. Vitamin D may prevent cells from becoming cancerous. Also, eating fresh or canned salmon provides docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a supercharged omega-3 fat that may kill off breast cancer cells and help stop the spread of the disease to other parts of the body.
 10. Rye Bread
Consuming whole-grain rye can help slash breast cancer risk. A synergy between fibre, lignans, vitamins, minerals and the phytonutrient phytic acid make rye bread a breast cancer fighter. When buying, check the ingredient list to ensure that the first item is whole rye flour and not wheat flour.


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